Personal Development, Business, Finance, and Investing for Everyone
An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
If you are struggling with something today, take it to God in prayer. Call on Him. He is with you.
God is the best listener. You don't need to shout, nor cry out loud. Because He hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart.
Let me share a story from the book, Our Daily Bread. The story was written by Russell Fralick, author of Over the Top by Discovery House Publishers. Rescued There was a young mountaineer who was so full of self-reliance that he needed nothing and no one. He certainly had no need of God. But one night he stood on the edge of a sheer cliff 1,000 feet above the valley floor, rope gone, best friend missing and presumed dead, rain pouring down, and the pitch black of night engulfing him. With everything he had relied upon gone, and with no hope of survival, he came face-to-face with the certainty that he was about to die. Then the rock he was standing on began to collapse, and he knew he had seconds to live. He was unprepared for death, and in his hopelessness this unbelieving, arrogant man cried out to God to save him. He needed a God that could move heaven and earth (an all-powerful God), and a God who would move heaven and earth for someone who didn't even believe in Him (a compassionate, loving, and forgiving God). He also needed a God who would act quickly, without him having to earn His affection. He needed a God who was zealous and passionate in His love for him, a God who was concerned about him as an individual. I certainty would not have helped a person like that, but thankfully God is not like me because He did help. I know, because that man was me. I asked a God I didn't believe in to rescue me, and as I stepped off the mountainside a rope that I could not see was in my hand. After that, He guided me down a sheer rock wall in pitch black darkness, negotiating rotten granite and a waterfall, until I reached the bottom---without even a scratch! That't not just improbable; it's impossible! Yet my God is the God of the impossible. (stated by Russell Fralick)
God Is All-Powerful and All-Loving
Only the God of the Bible is both all-powerful and all-loving (Job 28-39; 1 John 4:7-21). No other religion or faith system can make this claim. He is powerful enough to move heaven and earth, and He loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to give His life for us. God is holy and His standard is perfection (Matthew 5:48; 1 Peter 1:15-16). All the wrong things that each and every person has ever done---our sins---have separated us from Him. We need someone to pay for our wrongdoings because we cannot pay the price ourselves (Romans 3:10,23). God sent Jesus to earth to rescue us from sin and bring us into a relationship with Himself. Jesus live a perfect life on earth and then endured death on the cross to pay for our wrongdoings (John 1:1-14; 3:16). When we ask God to forgive us, He puts all our blame onto Jesus and He puts all the righteousness of Jesus onto us so that we can stand before a holy God clean and pure (Romans 3:24-26; 5:8-9; 2 Corinthians 5:21). This is a truly remarkable event, borne our of the greatest love ever known and paid for with the greatest suffering ever imaginable. Call Out to God Are you in need of rescue? Admit to the Lord that you are a sinner and cannot save yourself. Then accept His free gift of salvation that promises forgiveness and life with Him forever.
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